- Public procurement: from theory to practice
Public procurement is not just the distribution of public funds, but a driving mechanism for...
600.00$ - How to create a massive open online course
ABOUT THIS COURSE Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been called the biggest revolution in...
640.00$ - Finance for non-financiers
Welcome to the Financial Instruments course. This course will help you deepen your understanding of...
800.00$ - Fundamentals of finance and investment
Good afternoon, dear course participants! Welcome to the online course “Fundamentals of Finance and Investment”....
260.00$5.99$ - Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) has long captured the imagination of writers and journalists. However, few people...
280.00$ - Entrepreneurship: Identifying your target audience
Welcome to the course “Entrepreneurship: Identifying Your Target Audience”, created by leading experts from the...
1,340.00$ - IT product from scratch, where to start
ABOUT THE COURSE Have you been dreaming of your own business for a long time,...
200.00$ - ChatGPT for everybody
Unlock the TRUE Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence The programme consists of five training weeks, each...